E.L. Rothschild LLC is a family investment company that was established in 2003 by Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild. The company is currently invested in media, wealth management, infrastructure, real estate, agriculture and consumer goods, with operations in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, and India.

E.L. Rothschild’s current holdings include The Economist Group Ltd (owner of The Economist magazine), Bronfman E.L. Rothschild LP (a leading wealth management firm in the U.S.), and IHS Holding Ltd (the largest independent mobile tower operator in Africa), among other companies.

E.L. Rothschild employs a long-term view toward partnership and value creation, working on a direct investment basis with family offices, private equity firms, public companies and institutional investors. The key criterion for E.L. Rothschild’s investments is a management and shareholding team that have demonstrated excellent operating results, integrity and transparency. These principles are central to each of E.L. Rothschild’s ventures. The business objective is to drive profitable growth and build value over time. Since its founding, E.L. Rothschild has achieved annualized returns in excess of 25%.

In addition to its various business objectives, E.L. Rothschild is dedicated to the effort to make capitalism an engine for broad-based prosperity through its founding and ongoing work with the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism.