What is Inclusive Capitalism?

A capitalism that works for everyone

Capitalism done right is the economic system of opportunity, accountability, freedom, and innovation. It has lifted billions of people out of poverty, but economic power has concentrated and too many people are being left behind while the planet is paying a price. Public trust in government and business has plummeted as inequality has risen. Some question whether capitalism is the solution.


1 %

say the current system is not working for them


0 %

believe CEOs must lead on societal issues


1 %

agree companies can both increase profits and improve communities

*Source: Edelman 2021 Trust Barometer

Capitalism can and must do better to ensure its economic benefits are more fairly and broadly available to everyone, without overburdening the planet.

Inclusive Capitalism is fundamentally about creating long-term value that benefits all stakeholders – businesses, investors, employees, customers, governments, communities, members of society, and the planet. 

A capitalism that is inclusive:

  • Produces equitable and sustainable growth that empowers others and that addresses society’s needs.
  • Empowers everyone to partake in the economic system in a responsible way and to be fairly rewarded for their effort.
  • Means that every individual is able to reach for and realize opportunity irrespective of criteria such as socio-economic background, gender, ethnicity, religion, or age. 
  • Ensures that one generation does not realize near-term gains at the cost of future generations, nor one actor unfairly garnering benefits at the expense of others. 


At the Coalition, we believe that strong and productive economies are those that are inclusive, equitable, and sustainable. We invite you to join us to advance a more inclusive capitalism.

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